Hump days in October and November are not like hump days in other times of the year, when Wednesday night is Wednesday night—-just another mid-week evening that anticipiates the soon-to-arrive end of the week.

But in football season, after Monday Night football, fans must endure two whole nights sans football until Thursday night when the NFL and college both televise matches.  So Wednesday night is the second night of the work-week’s blackout.  Sure, NFL Network and other sports channels show re-runs of games from last weekend, but watching those games to appease the appetite for football is kind of like washing your hands with gloves on–The mechanical act is executed, but the effect is completely void of desired result.

So one more hump day night until life’s seasonal football meaning returns.  May we find grace amidst tedious mid-week hours to persist this one last night!

Saturday is the crown jewel of the football week, with coverage morning to night. Wednesday night is the season of mid-week depression!

Saturday is the crown jewel of the football week, with coverage morning to night. Wednesday night is the season of mid-week depression!